物电院“格术”论坛第十一期:特邀贝尔法斯特女王大学Bill Graham教授和Fumin Huang教授来我校作学术报告


报告人: Bill Graham教授和Fumin Huang教授

报告时间:2013年11月20日 (周三)下午3:00 









Bill Graham教授:

Bill Graham is Professor of Physics at Queen’s University Belfast where until recently he was Director of its Centre for Plasma Physics and before that of the QUB International Research Centre for Experimental Physics.  He is now the Internationalisation Leader for the School of Mathematics and Physics.

Bill obtained his BSc and PhD in Physics from Queen’s University Belfast, after a period of 5 years as a staff scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA, he returned to a lectureship at the University of Ulster before returning to Queen’s University 22 years ago.

He is an elected member of the Royal Irish Academy and a Fellow of both the American Physical Society and the Institute of Physics.  In 2013 he was awarded the ICPIG Franklin - Von Engel Prize.  His early research career was in atomic collision physics, particularly related to fusion needs. Investigating the production of negative hydrogen ions for neutral beam heating lead into work on low pressure plasmas, but then worked on electronegative plasmas in general and which led to work on rf driven plasmas of the type used in semiconductor processing. Recently a main focus of his work has been on atmospheric pressure plasmas and plasmas in liquids, with an increasing interest in their application in medicine.  He has published more than 150 articles in international refereed journals.  

Bill has served on many UK Government research funding panels and committees. He has been involved in assessing the research strengths of Universities in Ireland and